MODU 2023 Organizers

Richard Chbeir
Richard Chbeir is a professor of computer science at the University Pau and Pays de l’Adour in France, where he leads the computer science laboratory called LIUPPA. He is the director of the Semantics & Privacy In Digital Ecosystems Research group (SPiDER) and the head of the OpenCEMS industrial chair. Richard Chbeir received his Ph.D. in computer science from the Institut national des sciences appliquées de Lyon in 2001 and got his Habilitation degree in 2010 from the University of Burgundy. He is currently working on Data semantics, information and knowledge extraction. He is the co-founder of the MEDES Conference. He is involved in several conferences, most recenty: Program Chair @ WISE 2022, Program Chair of ICCCI 2022, General Chair of ICWE 2021, General co-chair of ACM SAC 2018 to mention a few.

Allel Hadjali
Allel Hadjali is Full Professor in Computer Science at the National Engineering School for Mechanics and Aerotechnics (ISAE-ENSMA), Poitiers, France. He is a member of the Data and Model Engineering research team of the Laboratory of Computer Science and Automatic Control for Systems (LIAS). His main area of research falls within Data Science field, and more specifically, the research topics related to Data Exploitation and Analysis (sensor data, semantic data, incomplete data), Knowledge Extraction and Recommendation. His current research interests include Soft Computing and Computational Intelligence in Databases (Cooperative/Intelligent Databases, Data fusion/integration, Data quality, Data Uncertainty, Data Privacy and Trust), Machine Learning-based Recommendation, Explainable Artificial Intelligence. His recent works were published in well-known journals (e.g., Applied Soft Computing, Knowledge and Information Systems, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Journal of Intelligent Information Systems). He also published several papers in International Conferences (e.g., ESWC, ICTAI, WISE, Fuzz-IEEE, DEXA, FQAS, SUM, ISMIS, IPMU, CoopIS, IFSA, ACM SAC). He co-organized several special sessions, e.g., « Advances in Data Management in the Context of Incomplete Databases » in conjunction with IFSA (2015) Conference and « Uncertainty in Cloud Computing » in conjunction with DEXA (2017) Conference. He co-organized also several special issues in well-known journals, among them, « On Advances in Soft Computing Applied to Databases and Information Systems » in Fuzzy Sets and Systems Journal (2011), « Post LFA 2015 Conference » in Fuzzy Sets and Systems Journal (2017), « Uncertain Cloud » in International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (2019). The complete list of his publications is available here.

Sana Sellami
Sana Sellami is an associate-professor in computer science at Aix-Marseille University, and a member of LIS laboratory, within the DIAMS research team. Her main research interests are related to data management especially data integration and analytics. She was a publicity chair of ICWS 2022, a track data Science co-chair of AICCSA 2022, DEI (Diversity Equity and Inclusion) co-chair of WISE 2022.